Case Study on a Talent Development Program

  • Family-owned company since 1969
  • More than 60 subsidiaries and 160 warehouse locations worldwide
  • World market leader for formwork and scaffolding technologies
  • 9100 employees
  • More than 65 nationalities wordwide
  • 31 nationalities were in this Talent Program 

The Challenges

The War of Talents has arrived in the business world for quite some time. PERI, as a family-owned company, is consciously pursuing a special strategy: There are many Talents in their own company and those are directly addressed by different initiatives. PERI puts a lot of effort in promoting these Talents and supports them on their career path.

At PERI, internal Talents are divided into „Red Talents“ and „Yellow Talents“. The two Talent groups are on different levels of the career ladder. The goal is to develop and promote the Talents according to their career level and the respective requirements.

Thus, together with SIMDUSTRY® as the sub provider of the Frankfurt School of Business, the PERI International Talent Program enters its third generation and specifically promotes Red Talents and Yellow Talents.

This is a great honor for SIMDUSTRY® as we are helping PERI since 2016 with the International Talent Development initiatives.

Key data on Talent Generation 3

  • Number of Yellow Talents: 51 Talents
  • Number of Red Talents: 21 Talents
  • Total duration of the program: ~ 2-3 Years




What were the 2-3 challenges that you wanted to address by the initiative?


Bettina Renz - Specialist Talent & Leadership

„At PERI, it’s very important for us to support our internal Talents in their career development. With the International Talent Program we aim to identify, develop and retain our top Talents and thus prepare them to take over key positions at PERI. Furthermore, it provides us with a structured overview of validated high-potentials, which is used as an internal recruiting pool for key positions.“


What impact did these challenges have on the overall business and/or bottom-line?


Bettina Renz - Specialist Talent & Leadership

„Since PERI has many locations throughout the world, our top Talents are distributed across several locations worldwide, too. This made it difficult in the past to identify our top Talents and give them the proper support and attention needed in order to grow into important key positions at PERI. Furthermore the war for Talents is also affecting PERI and the construction industry and the Talent Program is one measure to conquer that.“

The Solutions

Based on PERI’s goals, we, as SIMDUSTRY®, jointly created in a co-creation setting an implementation plan for both the Red Talents and the Yellow Talents: The PERI International Talent Program.
This is what the program looks like:
The program runs over a period of 2-3 years. We are leveraging our expert know-how by using a mixture of kick-offs, trainings (online and onsite), Peer-Group Accompany, Large group events with both Talent groups and management and the founding family, coaching depending on the needs and objectives of PERI.

Which SIMDUSTRY® solutions did you choose? Why?


Bettina Renz - Specialist Talent & Leadership

„We work with online and face-to-face trainings, coachings and collaborative events. All elements are mixtures of theoretical inputs plus engaging exercises, self-reflections, and presentations. We decided on an individualized solution consisting of several elements, in order to give our Talents a learning and development journey and accompany and guide them over a longer period of time.“

The Outcomes

Significant results have already been achieved since the program began.

What were the general outcomes?


Bettina Renz - Specialist Talent & Leadership

„Our Talents perceive the Talent Program as very helpful for their career progression and this can be seen in our numbers as well. More than 85% of our Talents of Generation 1 & 2 have had at least one career move since the program and already 60% of Generation 3 moved on to new responsibilities. Furthermore, we were able to fill about 75 % of our group key positions with internal candidates.“


What were the lessons learned in the process?


Bettina Renz - Specialist Talent & Leadership

„We learned that the Talent Program gives our Talents the needed attention for their career progression. They learn about tools and techniques in order to drive their career and progress within the company. They perceive the interaction with the trainers, individual coaching and the possibility to network with other PERI colleagues and senior management as very helpful.“

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